About Machine

- About Machine

About Machine

The machine mixes flour and water to make fresh pizza dough. The dough is then machine pressed to
shape the pizza crust. The tomato is then dispensed equally throughout the crust & pre-heating of the oven initiates automatically.

The pizza after all toppings and cheese have been placed is then transferred into the oven. It is then baked at a high temperature of 380 degrees Celsius.

Simultaneously the pizza tray is folded and once the process is over the pizza is placed in the tray,
delivered and ready for customer.

First and only fresh let´s pizza vending machine

Process of Making

Your Pizza will be ready in only 4 steps.

First and only fresh pizza vending machine

1. Flour to Dough

First and only fresh pizza vending machine

2. Tomato Overlay

First and only fresh pizza vending machine

3. Toppings

Let´s pizza and pizza vending machine

4. Delicious Pizza

Minutes - hot fresh pizza ready
Different toppings to choose from machine
Different toppings from our factory
Pizzas can be made without need to refill